10:20 AM
Storm Devils
11:30 AM
Gordon 24/25
Kent Sud Swifties
11:30 AM
U10-Memramcook Dynamite
11:30 AM
NC U12 #3 Hachey / Mitton
Moncton Storm
12:40 PM
NC LeBlanc
01:50 PM
Moncton Storm
NC U14 T2 #2 Jones
01:50 PM
Storm Devils
03:00 PM
U10-Memramcook Dynamite
Kent Sud Swifties
03:00 PM
HH Miller
NC Welsh
04:10 PM
Kent Sud
Impact 2


Tournament Rules

Ringette Canada rules will be followed except for the following:


All divisions U10, U12, U12 Tier 1, U14, U16/19 and 18+Open

Ringette Canada rules will be followed except for the following:


 Each team will play a minimum of three games

  1. If the opposing teams have the same color jerseys, the team having two (2) sets of jerseys will have to change. If both teams have two (2) sets of jerseys, the visitors will have to change.
  2. There will be a two (2) minute warm-up period prior to the start of each game.
  3. All regular round robin game schedule will consist of two (2) fifteen (15) minute periods with stop time, with a 1 minute break between periods. There will be no overtime in round robin games.
  4. Each playoff game will consist of two (2) fifteen (15) minute periods with stop time. In case of a tie, a period of five (5) minutes sudden victory will be used to determine the winner. If there is still a tie after the sudden victory period, each team will choose three (3) players in a shootout. These 3 players must be chosen and identified before the game on the roster. If the game is still tied after the first three (3), each team will choose a player for a sudden victory shootout. Each player of the team must have shot once before a player can go a second time. A coin toss will determine the team that will have first possession of the ring. Any player serving a game misconduct penalty, ejected or suspended from the game cannot participate in the shootout.
  5. For all games, in the event that the goal spread between teams is seven (7) goals, the second period will be running time and will not revert. The penalties, as of this point, will be two (2) minutes running time. Time will only stop for severe injuries.
  6. A maximum difference of seven (7) goals per game will be used for the game statistics.

      7.At the completion of round robin play, teams will be ranked according to total points in all games played.

         In the event of two or more teams being tied after round robin play, the following method will determine which team will advance to the championship games:

         a.The winner of the game between the tied teams (Head to Head) (if 3 or more teams are tied and have not all played each other, go to b)

         b. The team with the highest difference in goals for vs goals against (+/-)

         c.The team with the least goals against

         d.The team with the most goals scored.

         e.The team with the least penalty minutes in their 3 round robin game

          f.Coin toss

  1. Teams not ready to play five (5) minutes after the scheduled beginning of the game will assume a loss for that game The results of this game will be recorded as 4 - 0. Teams have to be ready to play fifteen (15) minutes before the scheduled beginning of the game. In the event of a tie in the standings, the team having declared a forfeit will be given a lower position. A two (2) minutes warm up will commence once the Zamboni leaves the ice surface.
  2. The official game sheet will have to be checked and signed thirty (30) minutes before the game.
  3. The home team for the championship games is determined by the standings.
  4. If a match penalty or two (2) misconduct penalties are served by a player, he/she will be suspended from any further participation in the tournament.
  5. Only players registered with their local association are authorized to play. All exceptions to these rules must be approved by the organizing committee. Players can only be on 1 tournament roster unless approved by the tournament committee.
  6. The organizing committee of the tournament reserves the right to adjust the duration of a game to remain within total time allocated for the tournament.
  7. There should not be more than one (1) male player per team on the ice at any time excluding the goaltender.
  8. No protest will be accepted. The decision of the organizing committee of the tournament is final.
  9. Home team must provide a Shot Clock operator for all round robin games. The shot clock remote will be in the time keeper’s box and must be returned back to the time keeper. The tournament committee will be responsible for scheduling a shot clock operator for quart-final, semi-finals and finales.
  10. Medal will only be awarded to teams playing in final games.
  11. No protest will be accepted. All on ice decisions and applications of playing rules will be final.Tournament Committee’s decision is final.

     19.In the event a team is required to play 4 games in the round robin play will have a one (1) game randomly selected to be removed from their round robin game stats. This will take place ten (10) minutes following the team’s final round robin games and will be            conducted at the tournament registration/control desk. The teams four (4) game sheets will be placed into individual envelopes and the coach of the team will select one. The envelopes will then be opened, and that game’s stat will be removed from that team’s                overall stats for the tournament. The opposing team’s stat will not be affected.

     If two teams are tied in points after the round-robin stage and one team had to play a 4th game, which is then randomly eliminated from their stats, the tiebreaker procedure must consider the impact of this rule to maintain fairness. The head to head will not be in         effect, therefor Here's how we will proceed with this tiebreaker:

  • The team with the highest difference in goals for vs goals against (+/-)
  • The team with the least goals against
  • The team with the most goals scored.
  • The team with the least penalty minutes in their 3 round robin game
  • Coin toss


     20.Any overage players on a roster must be identified to the tournament committee to



Good sportsmanship is expected, appreciated at The Kent Sud Ringette Tournament

The Kent Sud Ringette Tournament has a zero tolerance rule for verbal and physical abuse. Any member of a team, player or staff, as well as their spectators will be asked to leave the arena if they are verbally or physically abusive to another person (officials, players, team staff or spectators).Players and coaches will be assessed the appropriate penalties, and the tournament has the right to ask the spectators to leave the arena should they be abusive towards another person. When there are cases of verbal or physical abused reported, the tournament committee, at their sole discretion, may impose further tournament game suspensions as appropriate.

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